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Update from the Council Hearing for 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance

Writer's picture: Wasatch County Democratic PartyWasatch County Democratic Party

Thank you to all who took action by sending emails or appearing at the council hearing.

After a preliminary 4-3 vote for the ordinance, the council sent the ordinance back to their committee to work on the wording. The county attorney had pointed out there were constitutional issues with the wording of the ordinance. Voting against the ordinance were Mark Nelson, Marilyn Crittendon, and Danny Goode.

Please continue to send emails to the council.

This will be addressed at another meeting on May 12th.


from 4-21-2021

TAKE ACTION TODAY! Your input is needed! Pro 2nd Amendment Sanctuary groups have been at the county building every week to pressure the Wasatch County Council to adopt a 2A Sanctuary ordinance. The Council has not been hearing from those with opposing views. Send an email now! Sign in at 6 pm for the online hearing. Wasatch County Council Hearing @ 6 pm on the Proposed Ordinance to declare Wasatch County a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County

WASATCH COUNTY COUNCIL DATE: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 Public participation (comments and questions) in this meeting will be accepted via email or online meeting attendance. Emails will be accepted up to meeting time. Emails need to be sent to Online meeting attendance is available using a suitable network device or via a phone using the information below: Please click the link below to join the webinar: Password: 406937 Or Telephone: 1-346-248-7799 or 1-669-900-6833 or 1-253-215-8782 or 1-312-626-6799 or 1-646-558-8656 or 1-301-715-8592 Webinar ID: 845 9567 4377 Password: 406937 Background & Talking points Councilmember Kendall Crittendon proposed the 2A Sanctuary County Ordinance last year after several Wasatch residents asked for this action. The council sent it to a study committee to determine if a resolution or an ordinance should be considered. The council has placed it on the agenda as a proposed ordinance.

  • Ask why the council is using valuable council time on this non-issue. Not a pressing issue in the county, state, or the country.

  • If the council feels they must act under pressure from the 2A demonstrators then why not use a resolution? An ordinance generally has the force of law, the violation of it may be enforced. A resolution is an expression of the opinion or will of a legislative body.

  • Read the article: 2A groups rally in Heber. They claim they are being ignored by legislators. They have been in front of the county building pushing for this ordinance.

  • Point out the manipulation of these 2A groups by the NRA and gun industry groups to drive the increased sale of weapons and ammunition. They are using fear of government overreach. It’s about the money. Weapon and ammunition sales have continued to climb.

  • From Brady: GUN SAFETY LAWS DON'T INFRINGE ON THE SECOND AMENDMENT According to these gun rights extremists, common-sense gun safety laws infringe on their Second Amendment rights. But the truth is that the Second Amendment is not under threat — and coordinated efforts to purposefully mislead the public or refuse to enforce public safety laws are dangerous. The gun safety measures that are being denounced by extreme gun rights advocates were passed by democratically elected legislators and were signed into law by state governors. Common-sense gun safety laws do not interfere with the rights of gun owners — but they do keep guns out of the hands of those who cannot or should not possess them.

  • The Wasatch Sheriff issued this statement in support of the ordinance.

  • The Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution - Article VI, Clause 2 -

    • Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis wrote nearly a century ago, “If the Government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.”

    • As the Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser said recently, any local sheriffs refusing to enforce new gun laws “should resign.”

  • Deseret News: Polling on Utahns and gun laws

  • Article: Push to create Second Amendment sanctuaries in a bid to flout federal gun laws

  • From an LA Times Editorial: Democracy works only as far as people have faith in it. If local jurisdictions dislike state laws, there are democratic mechanisms for changing them. Laws that have been duly passed and enacted should be followed; that’s what the rule of law means.




Jennifer Lee, Chair

Wasatch County Democratic Party



Wasatch County Democrats on Facebook

Mailing Address:

PO Box 468

Midway, UT 84049

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