Message from the Chair:
After a year of online events, online meetings, and virtual conventions, the Wasatch Democrats Central Committee approved holding the 2021 Organizing Convention outdoors with social distancing protocols on May 22nd. We hope to see you there!
We are looking forward to seeing our friends and neighbors again after a difficult year of dealing with the pandemic. The Wasatch County Health Department has done an excellent job administering the COVID vaccines that will help us enjoy a more normal summer. Local outdoor events including the farmer’s market in Midway and the Heber Market and concerts will resume.

Wasatch County Democratic Party Organizing Convention 2021
Bring a chair and your picnic to party with the Wasatch County Democrats on Saturday, May 22, 2021 at our organizing convention.
The convention will be held at Southfield Park, 895 W 100 S, Heber City.
Social Hour and Meet the Candidates from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. Issue Caucuses, Municipal Candidates, and Community Organizations are invited to have an information table. The Convention will be called to order at 1:00 pm.
The Organizing Convention is where we elect our County Party Executive Committee. The Chair, Vice-chair, Treasurer, and Secretary for 2021 - 2023 will be elected at the convention. This is your chance to be a part of the action....fresh ideas are needed! If you are interested in serving in one of these positions, register here by 12:00 pm on May 12, 2021.
Duties for each of the positions can be found in our Constitution & Bylaws, Article Three, Sections Three to Eight.
Members of the County Democratic Party Executive Committee organize and publicize the party functions, recruit candidates, maintain the membership database, keep the membership informed, promote actions that help our communities in newsletters and through social media, raise funds to support these activities, and promote our candidates.
For more information email us at wasatchdems@gmail.com

Utah Democratic Party Organizing Convention 2021
Attention State Delegates: Save the Date - Saturday, June 26, 2021, for the Utah Democratic Party's Virtual Organizing Convention where we will elect State Party Leadership. Plan to attend our County Convention and meet the candidates. Stay tuned for more details.
To see who has filed for state party leadership visit the UDP Website.

Municipal Elections 2021
Every city and town holds elections for mayor and council seats this year. These are nonpartisan elections. Be involved on a local level.
Build the bench! Contest Every Race is working with the Utah Democratic Party to recruit Democrats to run locally!
Not sure how to file or run for office? Contact us at wasatchdems@gmail.com or call Terri Goodall @ 435-709-8243 to discuss this opportunity to serve your community.
Filing dates are June 1- 7 for most municipalities. Heber City will use Ranked Choice Voting this year which eliminates a primary so Heber City filing dates are August 10-17.
We’re here to help! Watch this blog and our Facebook page for announcements about candidate training events.

Our Values: We are the Democrats. We cherish the American heritage of opportunity and inclusion. We pledge ourselves to uphold liberty and justice for all. We believe good government serves and protects by cooperative efforts both at home and abroad. We believe it is our duty to pass a better world to future generations.
Contact us with any questions or suggestions. We would love to hear from you! wasatchdems@gmail.com
Help us elect more Democrats - DONATE HERE!